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Iglesia del Destino
The main goal of Iglesia del Destino is to provide nourishment to the body and to the soul.
Then he said: I assure you that unless you change and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself as this child will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven and he who receives a child like this in my name, receives me.
Matthew 18:3-5.
Who We Are
Rachel and Nolo met when Rachel moved to Guatemala to be a teacher for a missionary family. They met the first day Rachel arrived in 2017 and were married in May of 2018.
Nolo knew that the neighborhood The Blessing (La Bendicion) was where they were called to be so Rachel and Nolo found a house to rent near the neighborhood.
Slowly but surely, Iglesia del Destino has grown to include many different programs to affect many children and teenagers.
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